Welcome to Ghost
Hey! Welcome to Ghost, it's great to have you :) We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your n…
Hey! Welcome to Ghost, it's great to have you :) We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your n…
Ghost uses a language called Markdown to format text. When you go to edit a post and see special characters and colours…
Ghost has a single, powerful organisational taxonomy, called tags. It doesn't matter whether you want to call them categ…
Ghost has a number of different user roles for your team Authors The base user level in Ghost is an author. Authors can…
Sometimes you might want to put your site behind closed doors If you've got a publication that you don't want the world…
There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Ghost editor If you've gotten pretty comfortable with all the basi…
Creating a totally custom design for your publication Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is…